We Serve Together
Music Ministry & Worship Arts
Chancel Choir: Sing to the Lord a new song! All voices are invited to sing with our Chancel Choir. The choir helps to lead worship on alternating Sundays and rehearses every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m.
Worship Leader/Liturgist: Worship is one of, if not the most important things we as Christians do. We believe that our entire lives - not just on Sunday mornings - are an act of worship to God. Consider volunteering to help lead worship as a liturgist. Liturgists work with the pastor in guiding the congregation in worship. They often lead calls to worship, read the Scriptures, and may assist with the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism.
Adult Ministries
There are a number of ways to connect with other Christian adults at Boone First. Our United Methodist Men and United Women of Faith meet regularly for ministry, mission, and fellowship. Small groups meet during special seasons of the church year (like Advent and Lent). Other folks gather to weave prayer blankets and shawls, winter hats and gloves for members of our larger community. And there’s always a warm cup of coffee and a friendly conversation awaiting you every Sunday after worship.
Youth Ministry
June 12 - Paint & Pizza Party, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.: Leave your mark on the youth room by adding your own painted ceiling tile!
July 19 - Cosmic Bowling Night @ Perfect Games in Ames, 8 p.m. to Midnight - $20/person: Health Forms are required and may be picked up in the church office.
August 11 - Back-to-School & 7th Grader Welcome Party - Celebrate the end of summer and welcome our new youth group students with some fun and games. Time and Location TBD.
Community Outreach & Mission
Boone First believes strongly in putting our faith into action and serving our neighbors. Our church building houses the free medical clinic and also the community NEST store supplies. Our church members participate in a wide variety of service opportunities including a prayer shawl ministry, laundry soap making, school and medical supply drives for other countries, supplies for the salvation army, bell ringing, and youth work trips.
Click here for information about the free medical clinic, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6-8:00 pm.
Click here for information about the Boone County NEST program (by appointment).